x-kom hosting

Aktualizacja lustrzanki


Witam, chce zaktualizowac program w lustrzance https://www.ricoh-imaging.co.jp/english/support/digital/kp.html niby wszystko proste ale cos zle robie, po pobraniu aktualizacji na laptopa (zdjecie) chyba cos jest nie tak. Komputery to czarna magia dla mnie wiec prosze o pomoc:)



Jest ok. Po prostu musisz potem postępować zgodnie z instrukcją z tej strony:



Updating Procedure

When updating is finished, the update SD card still contains the Firmware file.
If you want to use this card to take pictures, format the card by the camera to delete firmware file first.

Provide a formatted SD memory card for the update software.
The download file is self-extracting. The following file is extracted.
Fwdc232b.bin: This is the updated firmware.
Copy the above Firmware file [Fwdc232b.bin] to the root directory in the SD card.
If your computer does not have a card slot, you can copy the firmware update file by inserting the SD card into your camera and then connecting the camera directly to your computer.

Insert the D-LI109 battery into the camera and confirm the battery is full by battery level indicator then turn the camera off.

Insert the update SD card (prepared in step 1) into the camera and close card cover.

Turn the camera power on while pressing the MENU button.

"Updates the camera firmware" appears in the LCD monitor.
Ver: 1.00/1.10/1.11/1.30 → 1.31 will be displayed.

Press the four-way controller to select "Start" and press the "OK" button.

"NOW LOADING" appears on the LCD monitor and updating starts.
Please do not under any circumstances switch off the power before the update is completed.

When update is completed, the "COMPLETE" will be displayed at the left bottom of the LCD monitor, then turn the camera off.

Remove the update SD card from the camera.
*Confirm the version of firmware with above [How to check version].




Postepuje ale jak włoże karte do aparatu to aktualizacja nie załancza się. A ten plik jak na zdjęciu ma być w internet explorer? 


Plik .BIN musisz wypakować i umieścić na karcie SD. Tak zrobiłeś?


Tak zrobilem, moze cos z aparatem jest nie tak...

Problem rozwiazany, glupi bład z mojej strony. Przed właczeniem aparatu nie wcisnąłem przycisku menu.

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